Recruiter Sourcing Package
Source Active Candidates
Get access to hundreds of active sales job seekers. As our business continues to grow we are seeing an acceleration of job seeker profiles being created. Have confidence that you'll have plenty of seekers to look through on a daily basis.
Resume Access
Each job seeker is encouraged to upload a resume. Download resumes and review which candidates might be right for your open roles.
You’re in good company
Hire alongside 1000+ companies and organizations creating next generation technology
What's included
- Full Job Seeker Access
- Resume Access
- Premium Support
How it works
- Select the Job Seeker Database Access Package
- Sign up & submit payment via Stripe
- Access will be instantaneously granted
That's it!
No risk guarantee
"Over the next 30 days, make an informed decision if meets the hype. If you're not completely satisfied from the quantity and quality of candidates for you, then simply contact us and we’ll instantly refund 100% of your money. No questions asked. I'm confident that when you sign up today, you'll get exactly what you need to fill your open sales roles, fast."
-Ben Stewart, Co-Founder