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Pricing & Packages
Featured Job Post
Billed Only Once

- 1 Featured Job Posting (30 Days)

- Analytics

- Job Distribution

- Recruiter Access to Active Job Seekers

- 30 Day No Risk

- Featured Company Slot

- ATS Integration + Automation

Unlimited Recruiter
Billed Monthly

- Unlimited Boosted Job Postings

- Analytics

- Job Distribution

- Recruiter Access to Active Job Seekers

- 30 Day No Risk

- Featured Company Slot

- ATS Integration + Automation

Unlimited + ATS
Billed Monthly

- Unlimited Boosted Job Postings

- Analytics

- Job Distribution

- Recruiter Access to Active Job Seekers

- 30 Day No Risk

- Featured Company Slot

- ATS Integration + Automation - We automate job importing from your ATS.

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