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<h1 class="az-hero-heading">Hire the best space talent</h1>
Stellar Jobs is the solar system’s biggest space jobs site, and the best place to find talented candidates,
passionate about bringing humanity into the space age.

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<h2 class="az-section-heading">Hiring right now?</h2>
<p class="az-post-heading-text">
If you’re hiring a key team member or need a role filled quickly, <strong>post a boosted job</strong>. These get over 6x
more applicants than a standard indexed job. It's the best way to get top candidates, quick.
alt="Stellar Jobs example job posts"
alt="Stellar Jobs example job posts"
<a href="/boosted-job-post/">
<button class="az-button-primary">Post a Boosted Job</button>
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<h2 class="az-section-heading">Growing your employer brand?</h2>
<p class="az-post-heading-text">
If you're looking to build more awareness amongst jobseekers, stand out from the crowd and ultimately get more top applicants, <strong>become a Featured Company</strong>.
<br />
<br />
Doing so will get you into the prominent 'Featured Companies' section on the homepage. It's viewed by the majority of jobseekers visiting the site, and a high percentage of them click through to the companies listed there.
alt="Stellar Jobs example featured company"
alt="Stellar Jobs example featured company"
<a href="/become-a-featured-company/">
<button class="az-button-primary">Become a Featured Company</button>

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<h2 class="az-section-heading">FAQs</h2>
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<h3 class="az-faq-question">How do we get our jobs included on Stellar jobs?</h3>
<p class="az-faq-answer">
You can
<a href="/boosted-job-post/">post jobs directly to Stellar Jobs</a>, these appear as Boosted Job Posts and
get over 6x more applicants than a Standard Job Post. We also automatically index jobs from space industry companies and add them as Standard Job Posts. If yours
aren’t already being indexed, you can <a href="/get-indexed">apply to get them indexed</a>.
<div class="az-faq">
<h3 class="az-faq-question">What is an indexed job?</h3>
<p class="az-faq-answer">
An indexed job is a job that you posted somewhere on the web (your careers page, LinkedIn, Indeed etc)
that we've automatically added to Stellar Jobs. We do this for free for the entire space industry, in order to
benefit the industry as a whole. Indexed jobs always appear as Standard Job Posts.
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<h3 class="az-faq-question">Why aren't all of our job openings showing on Stellar Jobs?</h3>
<p class="az-faq-answer">
Indexing is not always straightforward unfortunately, sometimes it takes a few days or so for our systems to find and add newly posted jobs to Stellar Jobs, and sometimes they aren't found at all. Since indexing is a free service we can't monitor and add all missed jobs to the site manually, the industry is just too big. The best way to ensure that every job opening gets added to Stellar Jobs is to <a href="/boosted-job-post/">post your jobs directly to Stellar Jobs</a>, they'll get a lot more applicants this way too.
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<h3 class="az-faq-question">
A job we want to post as a Boosted Job Post has already been indexed and added to Stellar Jobs as a Standard
Job Post, can we still post it?
<p class="az-faq-answer">
Yes, absolutely. If you’d like us to remove the duplicate Standard Job Post just let us know, but there’s no
harm in keeping it. Having two posts just increases the chances of jobseekers seeing the job and applying!
<div class="az-faq">
<h3 class="az-faq-question">We have a lot of jobs to post, do you do bulk discounts?</h3>
<p class="az-faq-answer">
Yes, you can save up to 50% by buying Boosted Job Posts in bulk. Contact us at hiring@stellarjobs.co and we'll give you a quote.
<div class="az-faq">
<h3 class="az-faq-question">
There are already several Featured Companies, will there be room for our company on the homepage if we become a
Featured Company too?
<p class="az-faq-answer">
The display order of Featured Companies is randomised each time the homepage loads to make sure every
Featured Company gets an equal share of impressions (you can test this by going to the home page and
refreshing). We also only allow a maximum of 10 companies to be featured at any one time, to ensure each
company gets a significant share of attention on the site.
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<h3 class="az-faq-question">How can I get our company logo on job posts?</h3>
<p class="az-faq-answer">
Once you’ve purchased a Boosted Job Post or become a Featured Company we will add your logo to your profile
and it will be included on all of your present and future Standard and Boosted Job Posts.
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<h3 class="az-faq-question">Got a question we haven't answered?</h3>
<p class="az-faq-answer">
Contact us using <a href="/contact/">our contact form</a> or at hiring@stellarjobs.co. We’ll get back to you
as soon as possible!

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<h2 class="az-section-heading">You’re in good company</h2>
<p class="az-post-heading-text">
Hire alongside 400+ companies and organisations taking humanity past the final frontier
alt="Top space companies hiring on Stellar Jobs"